No wings allowed

Another week flew by again! This week I am excited that the boys are starting preschool once again. They will be going Monday/Wednesday/Friday for 2 1/2 hrs each day. This was my prime gym time last year. It was when I could enter the Y in peace without hearing, (in a 4 yr old whine, in stereo I might add since they are twins) “Mom, do we HAVE to go to the Y again today?” This Mama gets to get back into her groove! I love my boys, they are the reason why I am working so hard to get my family to eat healthy and setting the example of how important it is to be active. So, yes I will miss them, a little.

Goals last week: Water goal….check. I have had a minimum of 64 ounces a day. I am starting to notice how I crave water now and that my mouth feels dry if I haven’t hit a minimum of 64 ounces. I have been toying with the idea of buying a Hydracoach to help me keep track. Currently I am using a large 32 ounce mug when I am at home and a travel mug at work. But I loose track of how much I am drinking when I am not using the large mug. So a Hydracoach may be in my near future.

Cooking more healthy meals at home…yep! Tonight I made Grilled Chicken, Avocado, Provolone wraps. Mmmm, so tasty. On the side I served fresh Veggies and Fresh homemade salsa to dip in. It was light and yummy! I have been searching Amazon for a few new cookbooks to buy. If any of my readers out there have a suggestions let me know. I am really loving to cook these days and putting a new recipe to the test at least once a week.

Getting to the gym…yes and I have a new workout buddy!! My Best Friend signed up this week at the Y when her and I went on Wednesday. She was looking for a new workout routine and had seen my progress so far and has decided to join me at least 2 days a week. WooHoo!!

So a new Challenge has been posted at mamavation called mamaguns! I am so excited to start this challenge! I have been falling in love with weight training by going to Body Pump at the Y. This challenge is going to help me step up my game and help me gain the guns I have been looking for!! Weight training does bring your workout to a whole different level and as an added perk I feel so much stronger after strength training. I normally do 2 days of weight/strength training a week. For the challenge we are doing 3-4 days. I am so looking forward to the results after our 8 weeks are up. And there is no scale involved!! So what do my current guns look like? No smokin’ cannon that’s for sure, but they are not too bad right now.

My baby guns

There is a little muscle trying to pop out but I can do better and I will do better!

So goals:

Water, making better meal choices, and working on those guns!

Congrats to our Sista of the Week  Stephanie @fitmomtraining! She is so inspiring and full of knowledge.

This weeks Mamavation TV sponsor is Chefs Requested (@chefsrequested). They make perfectly portioned steaks that I have heard or so juicy and tender.

Thanks for stopping by and reading. Looking forward to next time!